Our churchyard is an open one and consequently frequently visited by friends and relatives of those who have passed away. They may wish to enjoy a time of quiet reflection and perhaps to place a tribute of flowers. The memorials to young children, of which there are nearly twenty, may evoke sadness at the thought of grieving parents and young talent never fulfilled. Traditional War Graves, and references on family gravestones to lives lost in conflict, may give pause for a moment of remembrance. For other visitors, it is a place of history, recording the lives of those who shared in village life perhaps many years ago.
We try to care for our churchyard in line with Diocesan guidance which aims to create a space of quiet calm and to consider the sensibilities of all visitors. We have a small conservation area for wildlife in the south-west corner and encourage wild flowers in other areas where they don’t impede regular maintenance.
Help with this task would be very welcome.
We are fortunate that a churchyard plan and many photographs of memorials survived the fire in 2008 and may be studied on request.
Enquiries relating to the churchyard may be made to
Mr and Mrs Dove at 20, The Greswoldes, Radford Semele
telephone (01926 429578).