Radford Rendezvous is a community social event and takes place on the second Wednesday of each month in the Community Hall, commencing at 10.30am. Rendezvous was started in 2006 by a group of people who were concerned that the village was losing some of its key community activities. Coffee and tea, and homemade biscuits, are served, we enjoy the opportunity to sit and chat and catch up on each other’s news. We also have a bring-and-buy stall and a raffle each month.
“Rendezvous” means meeting place. All are welcome – it’s not a club and there is no membership fee. It is not only an opportunity to meet one another, but often the Vicar, the Baptist Minister and our Police Community Support Officers are present too, giving you a chance to chat with them.
Fundraising is not the primary objective, but proceeds are given to good causes. Over the years we have supported the school, the Scout and Guiding groups in the village, the Church Restoration Fund, and further afield, Myton Hospice and Castle Froma, as well as other charities. In November, we support the Poppy Appeal, including a short Act of Remembrance during the morning, and in December, we enjoy a Christmas event together.
Further information may be obtained from:
Janet Summers (01926 421483)
Margherita Dove (01926 429578)